November 2024

T. K. HAMANN is honored as “AI Innovator”

November 2024

T. K. HAMANN is honored as “AI Innovator”

November 2024

T. K. HAMANN is honored as “AI Innovator”

March 2024

Once again, and for the fifth time in a row, T. K. HAMANN has been honored by the German business magazine brand eins and the international database company statista in their annual "Best Consultants Germany" ranking. In 2024, we were ranked in the top quarter (three out of three points) based on client ratings in the following industries: Auto & Suppliers and Industriual Goods & Services. T. K. HAMANN also excels in the following functional consulting areas: Strategy Development; Innovation/Growth/New Business Models; Sales/After Sales/CRM; Mergers & Aquisitions; and Coaching. We thank our customers, partners, and team for these excellent results. Only by working together can we deliver such sophisticated services and differentiate ourselves from the competition.

February 2024

T. K. HAMANN receives “Fairness First” award

March 2023

We are very pleased to announce that T. K. HAMANN has been ranked among the top consultancies in the “Best Consultants Germany” report by the German business magazine brand eins and the business data portal statista for the fourth time in a row. A big thank you to all our business partners and our team for the outstanding work that has earned us this recognition from clients and peers.

July 2022

In a press release on online car buying, the German Press Agency (dpa) relies on the automotive and mobility expertise of Dr. Thomas K. Hamann

April 2022

BERNSTEIN ANALYTICS and T. K. HAMANN sign cooperation agreement

T. K. HAMANN receives “Fairness First” award

March 2022

T. K. HAMANN is one of the best management consultancies—for the 3rd time in a row. This is the result of the comprehensive ranking of the German business magazine ‘brand eins’ and the data portal ‘statista.’ We are honored for the following industry and functional work areas: Automotive & Suppliers; Strategy Development; and Sales, After Sales, Customer Relationship Management (CRM). In these fields, we are in many cases ranked on a par with or even ahead of large, internationally renowned consulting firms—based on the opinion of consulting colleagues and especially clients

October 2021

The German Press Agency (dpa) again draws on the retail expertise of T. K. HAMANN for their latest press release on (online) car buying

September 2021

Dr. Thomas K. Hamann explains aspects of car subscription in an article published by the German Press Agency (dpa)

June 2021

Dr. Thomas K. Hamann discusses how technologies and values influence the organization of work

April 2021

The market research expert Lighthouse Horizon and T. K. HAMANN are working together

April 2021

The brand consultancy Gebhardt & Partner and T. K. HAMANN announce their cooperation

March 2021

New book on the future of work in the digital era with contributions by team members of T. K. HAMANN released

March 2021

‘Best Management Consultants 2021:’ T. K. HAMANN among the top 3 consultancies for sales, after sales, and CRM

June 2020

Insaas, a provider of AI-based analysis of unstructured texts, and T. K. HAMANN announce their cooperation

June 2020

The latest research paper on digital matchmaking platforms by Dr. Thomas K. Hamann, Prof. Dr. Stefan Güldenberg, and Prof. Dr. Martin Risak will be presented and discussed on the (virtual) EGOS Colloquium 2020

May 2020

Together with our cooperation partner, the user experience (UX) design agency MING Labs, we analyzed the current situation in the German car retail sector. We identified five reasons why new car retailing needs to be digitized now. According to industry experts, the findings can be transferred to other markets

March 2020

‘Best Consultants 2020:’ T. K. HAMANN is honored in the ranking ‘Beste Berater 2020’ published by the business magazine brand eins. We are ranked among the few consulting firms with the highest client ratings

November 2019

Study on the sustainability of profit-oriented company-to-peer bike-sharing systems in released now

August 2019

Dr. Thomas K. Hamann and his co-authors were invited to a workshop at University of California, Santa Barbara to develop their research on the ‘gig economy’

July 2019

adeptic complements the competence fields of T. K. HAMANN as a further cooperation partner

July 2019

Experts on corporate ecosystems met at the University of St. Gallen for subject-specific dialog

In December 2019, a special issue of the journal ‘Die Unternehmung: Swiss Journal of Business Research and Practice’ will be published on the subject of corporate ecosystems and the platform economy. The authors of the papers accepted for publication, including Dr. Thomas K. Hamann and his co-authors Prof. Dr. Stefan Güldenberg and Prof. Dr. Birgit Renzl, met at the beginning of July 2019 for a full-day workshop at the Institute of Management & Strategy at the University of St. Gallen to exchange their views and prepare this special issue of ‘Die Unternehmung’.


Despite the growing interest in the new business aspects of corporate ecosystems, there are still many unanswered questions. The booklet is therefore intended to present current contributions from management research on ecosystems and platform-based business models for discussion. The journal ‘Die Unternehmung’ is the publication medium of the ‘Schweizerische Gesellschaft for Betriebswirtschaft (Swiss Society for Business Administration)’ and aims to disseminate new findings in business-management research, to draw attention to important problems in business practice, to present scientifically sound approaches to practical solutions and to promote the exchange between science and practice.

September 2018

Dr. Thomas K. Hamann on hydrogen-powered vehicles in Automobilwoche EDITION »GENERATION E«

With respect to total cost of ownership (TCO), hydrogen-powered vehicles are almost on par with other alternative types of drive.

— Dr. Thomas K. Hamann

September 2018

The M&A consultancy CNX Transaction Partners and T. K. HAMANN announce their cooperation

April 2018

The foundation Neue Musik-Impulse Schleswig-Holstein pays regard to Dr. Thomas K. Hamann’s research results in the field of sociomusicology

March 2018

MoonVision and T. K. HAMANN agree to cooperate on digitization

March 2018

Dr. Korbinian Spann and T. K. HAMANN cooperate on digitization

February 2018

Dr. Thomas K. Hamann will present at the Strategic Management Society’s (SMS) Special Conference ‘Sharing Strategies for the Connected World’

January 2018

Dr. Thomas K. Hamann appointed to the expert panel for the ISPO Brandnew Award 2018 (Category Digital)

October 2017

Study on the sustainability of profit-oriented company-to-peer bike-sharing systems is released

May 2017

Dr. Thomas K. Hamann is founding member of the Scientific Commission Strategic Management

November 2019

Study on the Sustainability of Profit-oriented Company-to-Peer Bike-Sharing Systems in Released now

The results of the latest research effort carried out by Dr. Thomas K. Hamann (T. K. Hamann Gesellschaft / University of Liechtenstein), Prof. Dr. Stefan Güldenberg (University of Liechtenstein) and Prof. Dr. Birgit Renzl (University of Stuttgart) have just been released in ‘Die Unternehmung’—the publication medium of the Swiss Society for Business Administration.

November 2024

T. K. HAMANN is honored as “AI Innovator”

This award is a recognition of our innovative strength and future orientation.  T. K. HAMANN successfully passed the multi-level evaluation process and convinced the German Innovation Institute for Sustainability and Digitalization (diind) and the business magazine DUP UNTERNEHMER.


The “AI Innovator” award honors companies that successfully and innovatively integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into their business processes, products and services.  It recognizes companies that are not only improving their efficiency through the use of AI, but are also setting new standards in their industry.

This award underlines our commitment to digital transformation and our pioneering role in the field of AI.  T.K. HAMANN is ready to use new technologies to meet the challenges of the future.

February 2024

T. K. HAMANN receives “Fairness First” award

The actions of T. K. HAMANN should serve the well-being of all our stakeholders.  That is why we are consistently guided by values.  The combination of precision, focus on sustainable value creation and integrity enables maximum performance.


It is great that this is also being recognized externally.  For example, we received the “Fairness First” award, which is granted by the German Innovation Institute for Sustainability and Digitalization diind in cooperation with the business magazine DUP UNTERNEHMER and under the patronage of Brigitte Zypries, the former German Federal Minister of Economics and Technology.

The “Fairness First” label stands for compliance with social, environmental and economic standards, as well as transparency and accountability to stakeholders.

April 2022

BERNSTEIN ANALYTICS and T. K. HAMANN sign cooperation agreement

BERNSTEIN ANALYTICS, as a strategic information service provider with a focus on the political environment, provides aggregated information, analyses, and monitoring on this in Germany and the European Union, thereby creating transparency and the ability to act for decision-makers.  With application areas such as stakeholder and network analysis, political and regulatory due diligence, ESG assessment and strategy, media resonance and reputation analysis, early warning systems and political risk management, BERNSTEIN ANALYTICS ideally complements T. K. HAMANN’s service portfolio, especially in the areas of strategy development as well as M&A, including due diligence.  The bundling the competencies of both companies, allows to address the increasing importance of highly dynamic environmental changes, resilience, and the associated risk management in a superior manner.

Dr. Thomas K. Hamann comments: “Our clients in the automotive and mobility sector are facing far-reaching changes or new legal frameworks, for example in the areas of electromobility and urban air mobility.  Together with BERNSTEIN ANALYTICS, we can incorporate such developments even more comprehensively in our recommendations for action.”


Matthias Rolfs, Managing Director at BERNSTEIN ANALYTICS, adds: “Assessing political and regulatory risks is an indispensable part of the M&A process, especially in highly regulated industries; in addition, data-driven insight into the political environment and relevant developments is crucial for designing a competitive strategy.  Our respective approaches are complementary, especially given the highly analytical and data-driven approaches of both companies.”

June 2021

Dr. Thomas K. Hamann discusses how technologies and values influence the organization of work

On Wednesday, June 30, 2021, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. (CEST), there will be an online conversation on the importance of new technologies and changing values in shaping the future of work.  For this discussion, the organizer Geneva Macro Labs has invited three experts from industry, academia, and business consulting:

The online talk is open to the public; registration to attend free of charge is possible via this link.


Geneva Macro Labs is a non-profit think tank that addresses issues around the design and organization of work.

April 2021

The market research expert Lighthouse Horizon and T. K. HAMANN are working together

Lighthouse Horizon, founded by Dr. Alexander Linder, and T. K. HAMANN will mutually complement each other’s service portfolios.


Lighthouse Horizon offers services in the areas of market research, strategic marketing, and data analytics, among others.  These complement the expertise of T. K. HAMANN, particularly in the fields of strategy development and sales.


For common clients, efficient one-stop-shop solutions specifically tailored to the respective project requirements can be offered from a single source.

The managing directors of the two consultancies, Dr. Alexander Linder and Dr. Thomas K. Hamann, studied together at the University of St. Gallen thus know each other for about 25 years.  Beyond business, both share a passionate interest in endurance sports such as active open-water swimming, a focus on success and a great sporting spirit—a long-standing, personal connection from which clients also benefit: Through focus, perseverance, concentration, and discipline, both create optimal conditions for their clients to optimally adapt to con-stantly changing conditions and to shape the future.

April 2021

The brand consultancy Gebhardt & Partner and T. K. HAMANN announce their cooperation

Gebhardt & Partner (G&P Markenberatung) and T. K. HAMANN sign cooperation agreement.


Gebhardt & Partner support their clients in brand development and brand leadership.  The expertise of Gebhardt & Partner will further synergize the competence field ‘Sales, After Sales, CRM,’ for which T. K. HAMANN holds a shared second place in the consultancy ranking that was recently released by the German business magazine brand eins and the global business data platform Statista.

“By working with Gebhardt & Partner, we can offer our clients an even broader range of services on the downstream side of the value chain from a single source,” says a delighted Dr. Thomas K. Hamann.


Mathias Weber, Partner at Gebhard & Partner, comments: “We are increasingly experiencing that our agency’s clients are looking for answers to issues of sales strategy in addition to our brand strategy solutions.  With T. K. HAMANN, we have a reliable partner at our side for this.”

March 2021

New book on the future of work in the digital era with contributions by team members of T. K. HAMANN released

The new book “Managing Work in the Digital Economy: Challenges, Strategies and Practices for the new Decade” has just been published.  It was edited by our Academic Advisor Prof. Dr. Stefan Güldenberg together with Dr. Ekkehardt Ernst (International Labour Organization and Prof. Dr. Klaus North and contains contributions by Prof. Dr. Stefan Güldenberg, Prof. Dr. Martin Gruber-Risak, and Dr. Thomas K. Hamann (Academic Advisors and Executive Director at T. K. HAMANN).


This book provides well-founded insights and guidance to (self-)manage work in a globalized and digitalized knowledge economy with a perspective of the year 2030.

International researchers and practitioners draw a picture of how, when, and where we will work most probably in ten years.  Many cases and examples make this work a compendium for learning and for implementing new leadership and management practices.  The book assists managers, knowledge workers, human resource professionals, consultants, trainers, and coaches in business, public administration, and non-profit organizations to shape the future of work.  Drawing on the authors’ comprehensive experience in  research, teaching, and consulting, this is one of the first professional guidebooks to analyze and discuss strategies for digital and disruptive changes at the workplace.


Further information

March 2021

‘Best Management Consultants 2021:’ T. K. HAMANN among the top 3 consultancies for sales, after sales, and CRM

The 2021 ranking ‘Beste Unternehmensberater [Best Management Consultants]’ by the German business magazine brand eins and the business data portal Statista has just been published.


T. K. HAMANN takes a top position in this with a shared second place in the field of ‘Sales, After Sales, CRM.’  In addition, we are honored for the sector ‘Auto & Suppliers’ and the functional area ‘Strategy Development.’


We are grateful to all our clients, the entire team, and business partners who have worked with us since our founding in late 2016.  Together, we will continue to consequently pursue quality leadership in our disciplines.

For this year’s ranking, 2,334 colleagues determined the best management consultancies according to their perception by industry and functional practice area.  Subsequently, assessments were obtained from the clients.  For this purpose, 1,100 senior executives were provided with a list of the recommended consultancies for each industry and work area clients via online survey; another 234 senior executives (Head of Strategy, Head of Business Development, etc.) from DAX, M-DAX, S-DAX and Tec-DAX companies were specifically invited to participate in the survey.

June 2020

Insaas, a provider of AI-based analysis of unstructured texts, and T. K. HAMANN announce their cooperation

Insaas and T. K. HAMANN aim at working together in the area of customer insights.


Insaas stands for ‘Insights as a service.’  The company offers the possibility to analyze customer testimonials and unstructured text in an easy way.  Typical data sources are free-text reviews of products and services by customers on websites and in Internet forums.  Insaas has developed its own software that combines artificial intelligence, validated rules, and industry-specific dictionaries to carry out such analyses.

Dr. Thomas K. Hamann explains that the services of Insaas ideally complement the T. K. HAMANN portfolio.  The analyses help to efficiently derive concrete improvement approaches for clients from a multitude of free-form customer opinions.  Thus, they are a valuable basis for consulting work.


Conversely, through this cooperation, Insaas is expanding its own range of services to include comprehensive consulting, which derives clear recommendations for action on the basis of the insights gained and offers active support for their implementation.  This allows to realize the full potential.

June 2020

The latest research paper on digital matchmaking platforms by Dr. Thomas K. Hamann, Prof. Dr. Stefan Güldenberg, and Prof. Dr. Martin Risak will be presented and discussed on the (virtual) EGOS Colloquium 2020

Our paper titled ‘Knowledge Work as a Service: Unfair Trading Practices of Digital Matchmaking Platforms’ is among the promising papers selected for the track ‘Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence: Reshaping Professional Service Firms, Professions, and Expert Work’.


Emerging technologies like digital platforms are increasingly reshaping human action and interaction in various domains, e.g. platform work.  Without much differentiation with respect to market segments or platform types, research has identified unfair practices based on power imbalances.  Digital matchmaking platforms for location-based knowledge work have not been in the focus of scientific analysis so far.  This study therefore addresses the question what unfair or at least problematic business practices are demonstrated by digital matchmaking platforms for comprehensive location-based knowledge work.  It could be shown that unfair trading practices are actually prevalent.

The European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) is a scholarly association which aims to further the theoretical and/or empirical advancement of knowledge about organizations, organizing and the contexts in which organizations operate.  As a collective, one of its main aims is to maintain and provide a voice for the critical and analytical approaches of its members to the study of organization worldwide.


Organization Studies (OS) is the official journal of EGOS.  Furthermore, the recently launched journal Organization Theory (OT) is published in collaboration with EGOS.

March 2020

‘Best Consultants 2020’: T. K. HAMANN is honored in the ranking published by the business magazine brand eins. We are ranked among the few consulting firms with the highest client ratings

Only three years after our foundation, T. K. HAMANN is one of the companies named ‘Best Consultants 2020’ by the German business magazine brand eins and the data/statistics platform Statista.


Our work was evaluated so excellently by the clients that three out of three points were awarded in the corresponding ranking.  Thus, T. K. HAMANN is among twelve consultancies with the highest level of client satisfaction in the field of ‘Sales, After Sales, CRM’—out of a total of 37 award-winning consulting firms in this category.

Every year, brand eins and Statista compile the industry ranking ‘Best Consultants’ according to industry sectors and functional areas.  The basis for this is an expert survey among partners and principals of management consultancies and a client survey.


The participating clients have evaluated the quality of the consulting firms recommended for each sector or functional area in which they have worked with a consultancy over the last four years by means of school grades.


The findings of the market analysis are published every year in a special issue of brand eins.

November 2019

Study on the sustainability of profit-oriented company-to-peer bike-sharing systems is released now

The results of the latest research effort carried out by Dr. Thomas K. Hamann (T. K. Hamann Gesellschaft and University of Liechtenstein), Prof. Dr. Stefan Güldenberg (University of Liechtenstein) and Prof. Dr. Birgit Renzl (University of Stuttgart) have just been released in ‘Die Unternehmung’—the publication medium of the Swiss Society for Business Administration.


The primary concern of their study is to examine if or to what extent profit-oriented bike-sharing systems are sustainable.  Based on the frames attributed to the sharing economy identified by Martin (2016), the authors analyze whether the commercial company-to-peer bike-sharing systems actually show these attributed characteristics.

The results reveal that profit-oriented bike-sharing systems …

Further research needs to address the development of more sustainable systems.

August 2019

Dr. Thomas K. Hamann and his co-authors were invited to a workshop at University of California, Santa Barbara to further develop their research on the ‘gig economy’

New technologies such as artificial intelligence, algorithms for the analysis of large amounts of data, robotics, digital platforms and ecosystems, social media, blockchain, and 3D printing have a considerable impact on organizations and organizational processes and fundamentally question the relevant theories and ideas to date.  Therefore, the renowned scientific journal Organization Science is preparing a special issue on ‘Emerging Technologies and Organizing’.  In order to support potential authors in bringing their ideas in line with the thematic orientation of the special edition and to receive valuable feedback, a paper development workshop will take place at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) on October 10-11, 2019.

Dr. Thomas K. Hamann and his two co-authors Prof. Dr. Stefan Güldenberg (University of Liechtenstein) and Prof. Dr. Martin Risak (University of Vienna) are working on a research effort entitled ‘A Critical View on the Theoretical Foundations of Organizations in the Age of Digitization: The Case of Matchmaking Platforms for Location-Based Knowledge Work in the Gig Economy’.  This has now been selected in a double-blind review process for the workshop at the UCSB.

July 2019

The consulting boutique adeptic, specialized in the ‘Testing, Inspection & Certification’ (TIC) sector, complements the competence fields of T. K. HAMANN as a further cooperation partner

In July 2019, adeptic and T. K. HAMANN agreed on a cooperation to bundle their complementary fields of competence.  The focus here is on the application and commercialization of innovative technologies—including those developed by startups—especially in the area of ‘Testing, Inspection & Certification’ (TIC).  Another focus of the cooperation is the current challenges in the automotive and mobility industry (e.g. ‘Remote Diagnostics’) as well as in the aerospace industry (e.g. Urban Air Mobility and commercialization and industrial use of drone technology).

adeptic is a boutique consulting company with unique expertise on the ‘Testing, Inspection & Certification’ (TIC) sector.  It was founded by Christof Deringer, a seasoned management consultant, experienced executive responsible for strategy at a major TIC player, and co-entrepreneur at a tech startup.  adeptic focuses exclusively on the TIC sector and supports clients regarding all aspects of strategy and corporate development.

July 2019

Experts on corporate ecosystems met at the University of St. Gallen for subject-specific dialog

In December 2019, a special issue of the journal ‘Die Unternehmung: Swiss Journal of Business Research and Practice’ will be published on the subject of corporate ecosystems and the platform economy. The authors of the papers accepted for publication, including Dr. Thomas K. Hamann and his co-authors Prof. Dr. Stefan Güldenberg and Prof. Dr. Birgit Renzl, met at the beginning of July 2019 for a full-day workshop at the Institute of Management & Strategy at the University of St. Gallen to exchange their views and prepare this special issue of ‘Die Unternehmung’.

Despite the growing interest in the new business aspects of corporate ecosystems, there are still many unanswered questions. The booklet is therefore intended to present current contributions from management research on ecosystems and platform-based business models for discussion. The journal ‘Die Unternehmung’ is the publication medium of the ‘Schweizerische Gesellschaft for Betriebswirtschaft (Swiss Society for Business Administration)’ and aims to disseminate new findings in business-management research, to draw attention to important problems in business practice, to present scientifically sound approaches to practical solutions and to promote the exchange between science and practice.

September 2018

The M&A consultancy CNX Transaction Partners and T. K. HAMANN announce their cooperation

CNX Transaction Partners GmbH and T. K. Hamann Gesellschaft mbH will cooperate in the field of mergers & acquisitions (M&A).


CNX Transaction Partners have been focusing mainly on the sellers’ profound preparation of corporate divestures since 2010.  Thereby, the identification and realization of value-improving measures are at the forefront in order to increase the obtainable selling price prior to a transaction.

“T. K. HAMANN’s competence in the area of strategic management allows us to expand our range of services by the so-called buy side—for instance, by offering commercial due diligences,” explains Dr. Willem Keijzer, who is managing partner at CNX Transaction Partners.  “As another example, the expertise with respect to leadership, organization, and optimization of operational processes facilitates the successful support of post merger integrations (PMI).”


In return, CNX Transaction Partners’ comprehensive relevant experience helps T. K. HAMANN to supplement their service portfolio with M&A-related activities.

April 2018

The foundation Neue Musik-Impulse Schleswig-Holstein pays regard to Dr. Thomas K. Hamann’s research results in the field of sociomusicology

The foundation Neue Musik-Impulse Schleswig-Holstein mentions Dr. Thomas K. Hamann’s research results as relevant background for their ‘CLASSICAL BEAT Festival’ within the context of the European Cultural Heritage Year 2018.


This festival is supposed to make a contribution to work against the looming decline in the number of people that attend classical music performances: Classical music is blended with other music genres and modern club culture to up-to-date music events from May 22 to 26, 2018 in the HanseBelt region.  Thus, many new and exceptional musical experiences are provided to the audience.

The ‘CLASSICAL BEAT Festival’ is organized by the foundation Neue Musik-Impulse Schleswig-Holstein.


2018 is the European Year of Cultural Heritage which was initiated by the European Commission.  By participating in the European Cultural Heritage Year 2018 under the motto ‘Sharing Heritage’, Germany underscores its European cultural awareness and the importance of preserving and developing Europe’s cultural heritage.  The European Cultural Heritage Year is geared to make wider social circles—especially children and adolescents—familiar with our cultural heritage and to encourage them to take an active part in cultural activities.

March 2018

MoonVision and T. K. HAMANN agree to cooperate on digitization

T. K. Hamann Gesellschaft mbH proceeds with their methodical upskilling in the field of digitization.


Automated object recognition and analysis allow substantial improvements upon process effectiveness and efficiency (e.g. in the case of warehouse management, logistics, and quality management in various industry sectors such as automotive, food service, and cleaning).  Hence, the competencies of MoonVision in the technology domain and T. K. HAMANN in the area of operational excellence complement each other in an ideal way—enabling us to offer an even broader range of services around process optimization to our clients.

The MoonVision GmbH is specialized on camera-based recognition, counting, tracking, and analysis of objects by developing and employing artificial intelligence (machine- and deep-learning algorithms).


Among other things, the Austrian-German company developed the ‘DishTracker’ that was already successfully deployed at the Munich Oktoberfest and—accordingly adjusted—in other industries.  The ‘DishTracker’ is a system which automatically recognizes and tallying up meals and drinks.  This allows for instance to reduce waiting time and theft at self-service cash registers.

March 2018

Dr. Korbinian Spann and T. K. HAMANN cooperate on digitization

T. K. Hamann Gesellschaft mbH continues to systematically expand their expertise regarding digitization.


The digitization entails profound changes in almost all aspects of running a company.  Coping with the accompanying challenges requires a wide range of competencies.  Project-specific needs can be met in an ideal way through the cooperation with experts.


Furthermore, Dr. Korbinian Spann and T. K. HAMANN will jointly investigate the fundamental principles and potential future scenarios of the digital transformation.

Dr. Korbinian Spann is an expert for digital marketing and eCommerce—both in B2B and B2C settings.


His service portfolio particularly comprises:

August 2019

Dr. Thomas K. Hamann will present at the Strategic Management Society’s (SMS) Special Conference ‘Sharing Strategies for the Connected World’

With over 175 submissions, the Strategic Management Society received a considerable response to their Call for Proposals.  In their search for high-quality research, only a portion of the submitted proposals were accepted for the program.


The proposal titled ‘Overshare and Collapse: How Sustainable are Profit-Oriented Company-to-Peer Bike-Sharing Systems?’, which is authored by Dr. Thomas K. Hamann and Prof. Dr. Stefan Güldenberg, has been recommended for inclusion into the conference program.  The paper investigates the issue whether bike-sharing platforms create unwanted overcapacities rather than help to better utilize existing capacities.

The Strategic Management Society is unique in bringing together the worlds of reflective practice and thoughtful scholarship.  The Society consists of over 3,000 members representing a kaleidoscope of backgrounds and perspectives from more than 80 different countries.  Membership, composed of academics, business practitioners, and consultants, focuses on the development and dissemination of insights on the strategic management process, as well as on fostering contacts and interchange around the world.


Moreover, the highly prestigious Strategic Management Journal (SMJ) is the Society’s official journal.

January 2018

Dr. Thomas K. Hamann appointed to the expert panel for the ISPO Brandnew Award 2018 (Category Digital)

The final round of the ISPO Brandnew Digital Award took place on January 29, 2018 at the ISPO Munich 2018.


Eight pre-selected start-ups presented their business ideas in a so-called elevator pitch.  They sought to win the favor of a five-person top-class jury.  The crowed-coaching platform prevailed at that and carried off the highly coveted award.


‘Waays opens up the trainer market and helps coaches find customers better and faster’, explains Michael Hiller from this year’s winner team.

ISPO Munich is the world’s largest multi-segment tradeshow for the sports industry.


The digital transformation leads to fundamental changes in sports.  The format ISPO Digitize investigates the associated issues;  and ISPO Brandnew is the biggest platform for start-ups in the sports industry worldwide.


Since the year 2000, ISPO looks for and honors the most promising newcomers of the sports industry—since 2017 also in the category Digital.


Former award winners, e.g. GoPro, Naish Kites, Maloja, Nixon, and On, are shaping the market today.

October 2017

xC Consultants, specialists for lightweight design and carbon composites, cooperate with top-management consultancy T. K. HAMANN

In October 2017 xC Consultants GmbH and T. K. Hamann Gesellschaft mbH agreed to cooperate.


In light of the current challenges of our clients, interdisciplinary cooperation between high-caliber specialists in their respective fields of expertise becomes more and more important.  The close cooperation enables both companies to add even more value by taking in a holistic perspective on lightweight-design projects—especially in the following industry sectors: automotive, aerospace, sports & leisure, and medical & rehab technology.

xC Consultants stand for innovation in lightweight design in the field of carbon composites.  They offer a 360° service portfolio with respect to technology and engineering—from the idea or conception to prototyping, to serial production.


Like the consultants of T. K. HAMANN, xC Consultants integrate latest scientific insights in their professional practices; this is also ensured by their academic mentors:

May 2017

Dr. Thomas K. Hamann is founding member of the Scientific Commission Strategic Management

The foundational workshop of the section Strategic Management within the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB) took place on May 04/05, 2017 at the Technical University of Munich (TUM).


Being an Associated Researcher at the University of Liechtenstein, Dr. Thomas K. Hamann joined this workshop.  The participants worked out the main tasks for the following areas in five break-out groups: research, teaching, public relations and practice, and career-oriented issues (‘next generation’ and ‘mid/late career’).  The results were discussed in the plenary afterwards.

The German Academic Association for Business Research pursues the development of business research and business studies as an academic discipline at universities.  While the VHB is a registered association under German law, it represents the German-speaking region rather than only Germany.


The main objective of the association is to foster research and education in business and management, as well as providing a platform for members, practitioners, and domestic and foreign institutions with similar objectives.