Rico Schütz

Employment History

During his studies, Mr Schütz gained extensive practical experience as a working student at Siemens AG in the areas of sales and strategic purchasing, as well as through various university projects with partners from the business world.  Between 2000 and 2002, he also worked on freelance projects for Siemens Automotive and a management consultancy.


Since 2006, he has held various senior positions at the BMW Group in the areas of research into new technologies and innovations, vehicle integration, electrics/electronics (E/E) development, and international and strategic purchasing.

Main Focuses

Rico Schütz works primarily on the following topics:

In addition, Mr Schütz is a certified auditor for quality management systems (ISO 9001).  He regularly develops and conducts training courses in the area of his expertise.

Educational & Academic Background

After his apprenticeship as an industrial clerk at Siemens AG, Rico Schütz studied Industrial Engineering at the Technische Universität (TU) Berlin and International & Financial Management at the University of California, Berkeley, graduating with the grade ‘very good.’  Simultaneously, he completed additional studies in computer science as well as in change and knowledge management at the TU Berlin.

Core Functional Expertise