Heiko J. Janssen has held various positions in insurance sales (i.a. as underwriter and representative of the ‘Crisis Management’ division at AIG Europe S.A. Direktion für Deutschland, as product manager at ERGO Direkt Versicherung AG, and as account and sales manager at Willis GmbH & Co. KG). In addition, Mr. Janssen has extensive experience as management consultant (e.g. at Steria Mummert & Partner, zeb consulting) and as executive coach.
The focus of Heiko J. Janssen is executive coaching. In this field he continuously attends further training courses and has comprehensive expertise in the following coaching areas:
His industry focus is primarily on financial services, especially insurance.
Mr. Janssen studied business administration at the University of Hamburg, Germany. He also completed a coach qualification program at the Hephaistos Coaching Zentrum in Munich, Germany—certified in accordance with the guidelines of Deutscher Bundesverband Coaching (DBVC) [German Federal Coaching Association]. Heiko J. Janssen is also certified as a business mental trainer.
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