
Business Unit Portfolio Strategy for a Fast-Growing Technology Company


The client, a wholly owned subsidiary of a DAX-30 company, has developed and started to commercialize high technology solutions for applications in various industries


Core objectives against this background:

Problem-Solving Approach

Defining and agreeing on the approach/methodology to evaluate and categorize/bundle the use cases


Adjusting the perspective on the use cases—from a strongly technological focus towards a user/customer perspective


Conducting extensive research and analyzing the gathered secondary data


Evaluating the revenue potential of the individual use cases over the next four years—in each case under a conservative as well as an ambitious scenario and regarding the potential USPs of the solutions offered by the client


Taking an aggregate view of the possible sales development


Elaborating a proposal for the future portfolio and working out a possible market approach


All defined use cases analyzed, categorized, assessed, and prioritized or deprioritized


Aggregated revenue potential matched with client growth ambitions


Target customers identified and segmented


Product and service portfolio as well as business model defined


Go-to-market approach and distribution model roughly determined


Most relevant parts of the business model canvas developed