Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
Conducting a Market Study Regarding an ICT Provider’s Options for Differentiation
How can the client be relieved from the increasing price pressure caused by the competition and notwithstanding the client’s strong expertise and close relationships the automotive OEMs?
How can the product and service portfolio be advanced to prevail a maintainable price premium—en route to a portfolio build upon innovative ideas and new approaches to It architecture from the typical tender business with predefined specifications and a high price pressure?
Identifying a relevant range of topics and pressing issues relevant for the departments of selected automotive OEMs and suppliers and developing a comprehensive understanding for the respective relevance to IT based on secondary and primary research (40+ interviews with target and actual customers of the client) along 4 main fields of interest:
Analyzing current trends and classifying them in a framework according of their maturity
Discussing the specific operational challenges and their implications on the interaction between IT solutions and the needs of the relevant customers’ departments
Deriving possible approaches for resolution
Comprehensively documenting the results and preparing follow-up meetings of the client with their (target) customers
Tentative appraisal of …
Internal capability profile sharpened
Modular document for customer- and department-specific discussions with the client’s customers prepared and a first draft of account profiles for the (target) customers developed
Roadmap to the adaptation and future advancement of the product and service portfolio worked out
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